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Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 13 years, 2 months ago

Immersive Experience 

 'You are not a human being in search of spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in human experience' Teilhard de Chardin.


Appreciating our own immersive experiences

This wiki began life as support for the Power of Immersive Experience Conference. You are invited to:1) add your own life stories of immersive experiences and your appreciations of what you have learnt through such experiences contribute examples of the use of immersive experiences in higher education identify existing knowledge about immersive experiences in the form of papers, websites, audio or video files and digital image 2)contribute to developing and evaluating of the idea of immersive experience and the types of behaviours and learning that such experiences promote.


Other relevant wikis by SCEPTrE  gain acces through our portal

 Life-wide learning 

Learning to be professional 


Solfilm och Bildekor

Bildekor Fönsterdekor Väggdekoration Bildekor Criação de Sites) Aluguel de Computadores Acompanhantes BH Imposto de renda Dekor Fönsterfilm Solfilm

Gregory Cowan architect teacher trainer in Mongolia (2007-2008

Concepts Immersive experiences Working Paper 4 - principles for designing immersive experiences

Concepts  Immersive experiences Working Paper 3 - conceptual and emotional vocabulary

Stories of immersive experiences students

Power of Immersive Experience Film clips of the conference process

Concepts   Immersive experiences Working Paper 2 Motivations 

How can we research immersive experience? Is anyone interested in? Margaret Volante

Concepts   Immersive experiences Working Paper 1 Contexts

Stories of immersive experiences compilation pdf

Thesis Essay Dissertation Assignment Research Paper Term Paper CourseWork Book Report

This 4-minute video story by Nick Noakes speaks for itself!


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Visitors from Feb 1st 2008:
























Lifewide Education

Chalk Mountain 

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